Simplest example of  Callbacks  in JavaScript

Simplest example of Callbacks in JavaScript


2 min read

First of all, what is Callback in JS?

A callback is a function that's passed as an argument to another function and is executed once that function has completed its task. Callbacks are commonly used to handle asynchronous operations like fetching data from an API, reading files, or executing timed events.

Example: Add and Divide two numbers using a callback function

Let's dive into a simple example to grasp the concept of callbacks. We have two basic operations, addition and division, and we want to perform these operations using callback functions. Here's how it works:

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

function divide(a, b) {
  return a / b;

function calculate(x, y, operationCallback) {
  const result = operationCallback(x, y);
  return result;

function callbackExample() {
  const sum = calculate(2, 2, add);
  const quotient = calculate(6, 2, divide);
  console.log(`Sum: ${sum}`);
  console.log(`Quotient: ${quotient}`);

  • We define two basic operations, add and divide, which takes two numbers and returns their respective results.

  • The calculate function accepts two numbers (x and y) and a callback function (operationCallback). It invokes the callback function with the provided numbers and returns the result.

  • We use the calculate function with callbacks to perform addition and division, resulting in the variables sum and quotient.

  • Finally, we log the results to the console.

Thanks for exploring the world of JavaScript callbacks with us. Keep coding, keep learning, and remember, JavaScript is a boundless journey of discovery. Share this blog with others if you found it helpful.

Happy coding!
